2021-Tradeshow Event-Calendar

2021-Tradeshow Event-Calendar

The Global COVID Pandemic put a halt to in-person industry events in 2020 which also carried over into the first half of this year. Fortunately, in-person events have been able to resume for the time being and AHT Cooling Systems USA is excited and pleased to share our calendar of scheduled tradeshows for the remainder of 2021.

We just completed our first event of the year, StorePoint Fresh 2021, in Scottsdale, AZ. Our team was happy to connect & reconnect with industry executives as well as present the new exciting product range and solutions we’ve developed and implemented over the past 18 months. We’re sorry if we missed you at this event, however below is the list of our upcoming ones we hope to see you at. Follow the links to register.

C-BuildPoint  – September 19-22  –  San Antonio, TX

The NGA Show  –  September 19-21  – Las Vegas, NV

BuildPoint  – October 3-6  –  Chicago, IL

NACS Show  –  October 5-8  – Chicago, IL

Until then, please feel free to contact us with any questions or inquiries regarding our products and services.

Phone: 843-767-6855

Email: sales@us.aht.at